Monday, 13 October 2014

Looking Further into Character Designs

Below is some silhouettes I've made from Bob Rafei's characters so I can get a better look of the shapes and poses of the characters without all the details. All of the characters here look very varied and different from each other, which is something I didn't think of in the last post. Even with the varied designs you can still see the clear connection of the species, mostly because of the ears. 

Here is some of Ashley Wood's characters from his paintings. The first 3 characters silhouettes look like they could easily be the same person and its only the last 3 where you can see clear differences. Most of the characters seem to wear big and bulky clothes apart from the female character where you can see clearly her body without any apparent clothing there. Also the pose is far more over the top than the other male characters where they just tend to stand there and lean about sometimes.

Here is some silhouettes from the characters from DOTA 2. With these silhouettes there is clearly a lot of variety and a lot to look it, each character is very busy with their shape. Again like I said with the last post, lots of triangles and you can clearly see who the strong female characters are and who are the over sexualised character is. I do particularly like how the 3rd silhouette is a female but you can't really tell, her design is very strong and powerful.

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