Tuesday 23 September 2014

Tone and Shade Evaluation

At week 2 for our practical was the study of tone and shade. We sat at out tables with different objects which we had to draw, using as few lines as possible. Mine was a crinkled piece of black card which I found difficult to create the soft creases and for the first half hour or so it looked more like a chicken leg than anything else which obviously dampened my confidence while drawing. Throughout that though, I was thinking to myself "Just keep working on it!" and eventually it stopped being a chicken leg and started to look more like card. I used several drawing techniques such as drawing in shade with diagonal lines and in circles; I didn't smudge. Black card was hard to get across as I used white as the highlights when they should be more of an off white or light grey to get across that the card is black.  There are some mistakes I've made when drawing this such as I've foreshortened it too much, it should be a bit wider especially towards the bottom (right). There also should be an opening where on one of the dents on the left where the card lifts up a bit, showing some light from behind. Some minor mistakes which could easily be fixed. Overall, I believe that this was a good effort of tone and shade from still life and I intend to try it again with something similar in the near future. I will also incorporate what I've learned here into my digital drawings to help expand and improve my drawing abilities. 

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