Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Protagonist Silhouettes

Here are some initial silhouettes I made. For these I made sure not to really think about the design too much but to just reflect on what I've learned through this project and let my mind go. I can tell that I've struggled with the first page as some of the silhouettes look too much thought out and they don't resemble each other, but as I drew more the silhouettes became more and more relaxed. I think I've create more silhouettes for a protagonist than a antagonist so I will create more silhouettes for that character.
For the story/theme of this game I was thinking of a journey, seeing that the game will be called Odyssey. The first things that came into my mind were and on the page resembled Greek, Cowboy and tribal African clothes. Therefore a very hot, dry planet which the characters/game will be based on.
I haven't decided if the characters will be human or not but there still plenty of the design process to go.

Here are 4 of the silhouettes that I like the most and the ones I want to develop further. I feel like there's enough new/original design and still have that feel of familiarity which the Skillful Huntsman suggests.
With these silhouettes I will take them into photoshop and paint over them with a soft white brush to try and get some patterns and design from the inside out.

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