Friday 12 December 2014

Final Piece

Below is my final promo piece show both the antagonist and protagonist in combat.

For this piece I wanted to include lead-in-lines by using the dust cloud leading the viewers eye from the right towards the darker dust cloud up to the antag, through his arm to follow the bullet back through the protag. I believe that using this technique I have given the viewer a clear path to follow in which they will see the whole painting.
I believe that I have shown these two characters well, the viewer gets a good view of them both.

Sketches for Final Piece

Below are some quick sketches for my final promo piece. I decided to focus on the movement and flow rather than detail while sketching. I wanted to have both characters clearly visible, which I found a challenge as well as creating an interesting piece.

Antagonist Posed Character Sheet

Here are some sketches I made for the antag pose sheet.
Overall I had to rush through these so I had time for my final piece, so I'm not happy at all with them but I do believe that the poses and sketches help show to type and movement of this character.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Antagonist Painted Model Sheet

Here is my final painted model sheet. Again like I've done in the protag painted sheet I have made texture samples to show the viewer and to get a better look at the underling textures that are on this character.

Antagonist Visual Interest Design Sheet

Here is my final visual interest design sheet for my antag. Again, the same with the protag I want there to be more light towards the top of the character and slightly darker towards the bottom.

Antagonist Line Art Model Sheet

Here is my final line art model sheet for my antag. I've designed him to be shorted and more stocky than the protag with a quick temper and wider shoulders - his weapon of choice is a pistol.

Antagonist Colour Tests

Here are my colour tests as well as my finished protag to help me compare the colour schemes together. Overall I think the darker colours - bottom row - will look best and my favourite out of the is number 4. I feel like the lighter colours sort of loose the sherif feel whereas the darker colours don't.
My next steps will be to do the final outcomes for my antag and create the line art and visual interest design sheets etc.